I have known U-Theory for several years, and when the situations and projects I manage allow it, I use it very willingly because it is a powerful and effective tool that helps people and organizations to develop by looking with more awareness towards the future....
What can happen if one decides to adopt Holacracy, the most structured alternative to the pyramid, that distributes authority across all Roles? The Eco-Counter experience. L’IMPRESA, N°4, 2018, GRUPPO24ORE Enrico Durbano, aged 41 and born in Saluzzo, was the General...
Beyond the pyramid L’IMPRESA, N°3, 2018, GRUPPO24ORE Companies are beginning to sense that the pyramidal structure no longer works, but they don’t yet know what the alternative might be. Meanwhile, models are being tested out and experience is being garnered. We...
The power of evolutionary purpose can be the main element of governance. How does it work when this happens Let’s find out together, exploring the world of ThoughtWorks. L’IMPRESA, N°2, 2018, GRUPPO24ORE Sara Michelazzo, 32, enters the ThoughtWorks...
Marina Capizzi, L’impresa N°11-2017 Laloux– taking a cue from Brian Robertson– observes in his book “Reinventing organisations” that if we tried to ride a bicycle in the same manner as we try to manage our companies today, it would look something...