Psychological safety

PRIMATE and The Fearless Organization Scan
become partners


Finally we can measure our level of Psychological Safety in our current organizations.



The Fearless Organization Scan is the company that, in partnership with Amy Edmondson – author of Fearless Organization and lecturer at Harvard Business School -, has developed an agile and accurate survey to detect the level of Psychological Safety, comparing it with a wide-ranging benchmark. Together they created an international network: PRIMATE is the Italian partner.Psychological Safety is the prerequisite that makes the difference in team performance, as proven by many international studies.

Primate has been working on Psychological Safety for some time, creating paths for managers and teams.

In 2020 we published and promoted the Italian edition of Professor Amy Edmondson’s book “Fearless Organizations”.

At the moment, The Fearless Organization Scan is the only reliable tool able to measure the level of Psychological Safety in teams, and we can use it to launch evolutionary and focused paths.
Today, thanks to this partnership, we can accurately detect the starting level of Psychological Safety and follow its evolution, even in international projects.



PRIMATE and The Fearless Organization Scan:
we feed business’ wellness by feeding people’s wellness.

Let’s work together to create fearless organizations!


by Fearless Organization

-November 2020-

-December 2020-

Thanks to James Taylor for authorizing the translation and distribution of his interview 

Fearless organizations


Amy C. Edmondson‘s new book (Harvard Business School) is out, edited by Franco Angeli. A further step in the evolution of companies.
We will be finally able to face fear, one of the taboo themes of organizations, with managerial logic. Fear proliferates where there is a low grade of psychological safety, with significant damage to the health of both people and business. Increasing psychological safety frees up huge resources that greatly improve performance.

The preface of the italian edition is written by and Marina Capizzi co-founder PRIMATE and Carlo Giardinetti MBA.